
  • q:What is RingGo?


    RingGo is the UK’s no.1 parking app, used by millions of motorists in over 500 towns and cities nationwide, including Portsmouth. RingGo lets you quickly and securely pay for your parking from your phone, without the need to find change, queue at a parking machine, or display a ticket.

  • q:How do I download the RingGo app?


    You can download the RingGo app for free from your phone’s app store. If you have an Apple iOS device, download it from the App Store here. If you have an Android device, download it from the Google Play Store here. Always be sure to download RingGo directly from your phone’s official app store.

  • q:How do I register with RingGo?


    Once you’ve downloaded the free RingGo app, register by entering your phone number and email address, setting a secure password, and agreeing to the terms and conditions. You will receive a verification code for security, and your registration will be complete when you enter it. You can also pre-register before using the service at myRingGo.co.uk/register.

  • q:How do I pay for my parking with RingGo?


    Enter the RingGo location code shown on nearby signage in the car park you’re in. Then, enter your vehicle registration number and how long you want to park for. Confirm your payment and session details and you’re all set. You will see a screen confirming your payment has been successful, and your active parking session will appear on your app.

  • q:The published Tariff shows £2.00 but I am being charged £2.50, why is that?


    There is a 20p “convenience fee” levied by Ringgo on every booking so paying by Ringgo will mean all Tariffs will increase by 20p.

    By default the app also opts you in to receive SMS text reminders for all parking sessions, so that you get a notification when your parking time is established, and when it is soon due to run out. Each SMS message sent to you costs 15p (+ your standard network SMS rate). These messages can be turned off via the app before you book, and these settings will apply for all parking sessions.

    Turning off the SMS reminders will reduce your cost of parking by 15p per reminder set to “off” in the app.

    To access these settings, open the Ringgo app, tap “Account” then “Notifications” and set any to “Off” that you wish to stop receiving.

  • q:What if I’m eligible for a concession rate?


    Concession rates are available to visitors who meet a specific criteria for daily or fixed term periods and are administered outside of RingGo – the introduction of RingGo does not change the concession rate process. These include patients undergoing care such as radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and dialysis at least three times a month for a minimum of three months, a parent accompanying a child on admission for overnight stay or long-term basis, and a close relative/partner who is helping with ongoing care such as washing and feeding. These concession passes are issued by the senior person in charge of the department/ward and need to be validated. Please speak to the ward team if you aren’t sure whether you are eligible.

  • q:My parking is running out, can I extend it remotely with RingGo?


    Yes, you can extend your parking from anywhere with RingGo (providing parking restrictions permit you to do so). Simply select your active session in the app, choose how long you want to extend for, and pay.

  • q:What do I do if I have paid for the wrong vehicle?


    If you’ve paid less than 15 minutes previously, you can change the vehicle on your active session. To do this, select your active session and tap ‘Change vehicle’. Select the correct vehicle and tap ‘Change vehicle’.

    If more than 15 minutes have elapsed since you paid, we are unable to allow you to transfer the parking session to a different vehicle. This is a requirement set by parking operators. You will need to buy a new session for the correct vehicle and request a refund for the unwanted duplicate session. To request a refund, go to the ‘Refund centre’ in the ‘Help’ section of your app.

  • q:What do I do if I have paid for the wrong location?


    If you have paid for the wrong parking location, you should purchase a session for the correct location, as soon as possible. If you have not done this promptly, you may receive a penalty, which you can appeal.

    Unfortunately, any sessions that have been started are unable to be cancelled. However, you will be able to request a refund once you have created the duplicate session in the correct zone. To do this, go to the ‘Refund centre’ in the ‘Help’ section of your app.

    We recommend that you always double check you’ve entered the correct RingGo location code before making payment, using the nearby signage.

  • q:I’ve parked my car but forgotten to pay, what do I do?


    In both Portsmouth QAH North & South multi-storey car parks only, RingGoLatePay can be used. This means you can pay retrospectively for your parking up to 24 hours after you arrived. To do this, simply go to book a RingGo session as normal, when you are asked when you want your parking to start, adjust the “start time” to when you first parked, and pay for the correct parking duration, following the usual RingGo process.

    Your vehicle entry and exit times are recorded by ANPR cameras. Any blatant or deliberate attempts to misrepresent the time you have parked for may leave you liable to receive a PCN.

    Please note: RingGo LatePay is only available when paying through the free RingGo app, or RingGo website, myRingGo.co.uk, but is not available when paying through the automated phone line.

  • q:What is RingGo LatePay?


    RingGo LatePay at the QA Hospital means you can pay for your parking retrospectively (up to 24 hours after you’ve arrived). To use RingGoLatePay, simply go to book a RingGo session as normal, save for the part when you’re asked when you want your parking to start. Here, you adjust your start time to when you arrived to park, and then you should pay for the correct parking duration, following the usual RingGo process.

    Please note: RingGo LatePay is only available when paying through the free RingGo app, or RingGo website, myRingGo.co.uk, but is not available when paying through the automated phone line.

  • q:I don’t use a smartphone or apps, how can I use RingGo?


    If you don’t have a smartphone, you can use the RingGo service by calling 020 3046 0010. The automated phone line will take you through the same steps as an app user. First, confirm where you’re parked, using the RingGo zone code found on nearby signage in the car park. Then, confirm your vehicle registration number and how long you want to park for. Confirm your payment details and you’re all set.

    You can also pay for your parking at myRingGo.co.uk/bookparking. Here, follow the same steps as app and smartphone users, confirming your parking details through the intuitive booking process, and paying via the secure RingGo website.

    Please note: RingGoLatePay is available when paying through the RingGo website, myRingGo.co.uk, but is not available when paying through the automated phone line.

For any other information or support with Ringgo, head to RingGo’s help centre at myRingGo.co.uk/help or submit a Ticket via our Helpdesk at helpdesk.parkshield.com